Check out these Church quotes and scriptures by authors.

50 Church Quotes

Read the thoughts of others in these church quotes. Let them give you words for reflection.

Church Quotes (1): People who move toward the church do so for two major reasons: to learn about God and to find some guidance and direction for living. Harold Percy

People who move toward the church do so for two major reasons: to learn about God and to find some guidance and direction for living.
Harold Percy, – Your Church Can Thrive: Making the Connections That Build Healthy Congregations

Church Quotes (2): Evangelism was not a program in the Jerusalem church; it was a way of life. The believers' lives and behaviors created such favor with the population of Jerusalem that people we drawn to the Lord. Dr. David Jeremiah

Evangelism was not a program in the Jerusalem church; it was a way of life. The believers’ lives and behaviors created such favor with the population of Jerusalem that people we drawn to the Lord.
Dr. David Jeremiah The Jeremiah Study Bible

Church Quotes (3): He created the church to meet your five deepest needs: a purpose to live for, people to live with, principles to live by, a profession to live out, and power to live on. There is no other place on earth where you can find all five of these benefits in one place. Rick Warren

He created the church to meet your five deepest needs: a purpose to live for, people to live with, principles to live by, a profession to live out, and power to live on. There is no other place on earth where you can find all five of these benefits in one place.
Rick Warren What on Earth Am I Here For?

Church Quotes (4): Stop looking for the perfect church. It does not exist. Even if it did exist, the moment you or I joined it, it would no longer be perfect. Nicky Gumbel

Stop looking for the perfect church. It does not exist. Even if it did exist, the moment you or I joined it, it would no longer be perfect.
Nicky Gumbel

Church Quotes (5): In cathedral or cottage, the art of worship is an inner adventure; it is the personal practice of the presence of God. Wilferd A. Peterson

In cathedral or cottage, the art of worship is an inner adventure; it is the personal practice of the presence of God.
Wilferd A. Peterson – The Art of Living Treasure Chest

Church Quotes (6): Churches provide a place of gathering for people who share common beliefs, support and encouragement for each other in faith, a place to find insight into and teaching about God's Word, and they provide a time and place where people can leave the world behind and focus only on their spiritual relationship with God. Mary C. Neal, MD

Churches provide a place of gathering for people who share common beliefs, support and encouragement for each other in faith, a place to find insight into and teaching about God’s Word, and they provide a time and place where people can leave the world behind and focus only on their spiritual relationship with God.
Mary C. Neal, MD – To Heaven and Back

Church Quotes (7): When a church is spending more of its budget on media than shepherding, something is out of whack. We have gotten things twisted around. Charles R. Swindoll

When a church is spending more of its budget on media than shepherding, something is out of whack. We have gotten things twisted around.
Charles R. Swindoll

Church Quotes (8): Do you look forward to going to church, or is it something you do out of obligation? Joyce Meyers

Do you look forward to going to church, or is it something you do out of obligation?
Joyce Meyers
Knowing God Intimately

Church Quotes (9): Find a church where you can have a relationship with God, rather than one where the main focus is on the rituals of the church. Catherine Pulsifer

Find a church where you can have a relationship with God, rather than one where the main focus is on the rituals of the church.

Church Quotes (10): Every believer is commanded to be plugged in to a local church. Dr. David Jeremiah

Every believer is commanded to be plugged in to a local church.
Dr. David Jeremiah

Church Quotes (11): A war fitness conference some time ago declared that the highest form of recreation is to go to church. The word recreation should be written re-creation. More real rest can be gained from an hour and a quarter of worship under these circumstances than by eighteen holes of golf. Norman Vincent Peale

A war fitness conference some time ago declared that the highest form of recreation is to go to church. The word recreation should be written re-creation. More real rest can be gained from an hour and a quarter of worship under these circumstances than by eighteen holes of golf.
Norman Vincent Peale

Church Quotes (12): Just as you must eat, drink, and breathe to live, you must read the Bible, pray, and be involved in a church to stay spiritually alive and vital. You never will outgrow these things. Greg Laurie

Just as you must eat, drink, and breathe to live, you must read the Bible, pray, and be involved in a church to stay spiritually alive and vital. You never will outgrow these things.
Greg Laurie

Church Quotes (13): People are not on a truth quest; they are on a happiness quest. They will continue to attend your church - even if they don't share your beliefs - as long as they find the content engaging and helpful. Andy Stanley

People are not on a truth quest; they are on a happiness quest. They will continue to attend your church – even if they don’t share your beliefs – as long as they find the content engaging and helpful.
Andy Stanley

Church Quotes (14): The Church is the Church only when it exists for others- not dominating, but helping and serving. It must tell men of every calling what it means to live for Christ, to exist for others. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The Church is the Church only when it exists for others- not dominating, but helping and serving. It must tell men of every calling what it means to live for Christ, to exist for others.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer, from Letters and Papers from Prison

Church Quotes (15): Nobody can do as much damage to the church of God as the man who is within its walls, but not within its life. Charles H. Spurgeon

Nobody can do as much damage to the church of God as the man who is within its walls, but not within its life.
Charles H. Spurgeon

Church Quotes (16): What if we quit thinking about tax write-offs or keeping institutions alive or church buildings full or denominations going, and focused on how to make the Story of Jesus the best news in people’s lives? Ben Baughman

What if we quit thinking about tax write-offs or keeping institutions alive or church buildings full or denominations going, and focused on how to make the Story of Jesus the best news in people’s lives?
Ben Baughman, Untracked

Church Quotes (17): I encourage you to look for a church that teaches that Jesus is the only way to heaven (because he is) and that the Bible is the Word of God (because it is), that will allow you to get connected with other believers (because you need that), and that you’d feel comfortable inviting your non-believing friends to (because they need that). Vince Antonucci

I encourage you to look for a church that teaches that Jesus is the only way to heaven (because he is) and that the Bible is the Word of God (because it is), that will allow you to get connected with other believers (because you need that), and that you’d feel comfortable inviting your non-believing friends to (because they need that).
Vince Antonucci, God’s Love for the Rest of Us

Church Quotes (18): The purpose of the Church therefore, is to continue to carry out this great commission of Christ-to take the gospel to every living creature in every part of the world. Archbishop Gloria Grace

The purpose of the Church therefore, is to continue to carry out this great commission of Christ-to take the gospel to every living creature in every part of the world.
Archbishop Gloria Grace, The Heartbeat of GOD

Church Quotes (19): The people whose love will grow cold will make the terrible mistake of turning the church into a social club, rather than a treatment centre. Michael Caputo

The people whose love will grow cold will make the terrible mistake of turning the church into a social club, rather than a treatment centre. Michael Caputo, How to Prevent Your Love From becoming Cold

Church Quotes (20): The Word of GOD is given to the church for governing the affairs and business of the church. It is given to individual believers, who make up the church, for the purpose of governing each individual believer. Shannon Scott

The Word of GOD is given to the church for governing the affairs and business of the church. It is given to individual believers, who make up the church, for the purpose of governing each individual believer. Shannon Scott, Authority

Church Quotes (21): The gospels were collected with other writings of the early church. This collection became known as the New Testament. - Roger Quy

The gospels were collected with other writings of the early church. This collection became known as the New Testament.
Roger Quy, All About Jesus: The Single Story from Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John

Church Quotes (22): The book of Acts gives us a history of the work of the early church and the Holy Spirit, within the theatre of the known world. James Paris

The book of Acts gives us a history of the work of the early church and the Holy Spirit, within the theatre of the known world.
– James Paris, The Bible Brief: A Compact Bible Summary & Bible Study Guidebook

Church Quotes (23): So the first place to start must be the church. God so loved the world ... and still does ... but the church is Christ's heart's desire, His chosen one. Ann Allfrey

So the first place to start must be the church. God so loved the world … and still does … but the church is Christ’s heart’s desire, His chosen one. Ann Allfrey, Prayer Drive … One Year On

Church Quotes (24): And those who are willing to do whatever work is necessary to see the Church blessed, whole, and thriving are the ones to whom true honor is due. Paula Casill

And those who are willing to do whatever work is necessary to see the Church blessed, whole, and thriving are the ones to whom true honor is due. Paula Casill, My Brother’s Keeper: Redefining Relationships in the Body of Christ

Church Quotes (25): Many believe it is possible to be a "good Christian" without joining (or even attending) a local church, but God would strongly disagree. Rick Warren

Many believe it is possible to be a “good Christian” without joining (or even attending) a local church, but God would strongly disagree.
Rick Warren

Church Quotes (26): I yearn for the day when we as the church are known for what we are for instead of what we are against. I pray that the long list of “what the church is for” includes remarkable Christ-centered care for the least, the last, and the lost. Kara Powell

I yearn for the day when we as the church are known for what we are for instead of what we are against. I pray that the long list of “what the church is for” includes remarkable Christ-centered care for the least, the last, and the lost.
Kara Powell, from The Sticky Faith Guide for Your Family

Church Quotes (27): If the envious, the defamers and the backbiters were taken out of the average church, there would be revival overnight. A. W. Tozer

If the envious, the defamers and the backbiters were taken out of the average church, there would be revival overnight.
A. W. Tozer

Church Quotes (28): He is preeminent in creation because He is the Creator. He is preeminent in redemption for He is the Redeemer. He is preeminent in the church because He is the One who gave Himself for the church. Dr. J. Vernon McGee

He is preeminent in creation because He is the Creator. He is preeminent in redemption for He is the Redeemer. He is preeminent in the church because He is the One who gave Himself for the church.
Dr. J. Vernon McGee, – Philippians / Colossians (Thru the Bible)

Church Quotes (29): Churches are not museums that display perfect people. They are hospitals where the wounded, hurt, injured and broken find healing. Nicky Gumbel

Churches are not museums that display perfect people. They are hospitals where the wounded, hurt, injured and broken find healing.
Nicky Gumbel

Church Quotes (30): It can be helpful to see our relationship to the church as being like a lifelong relationship to a spouse or even a parent, child, or sibling; to view it as a relationship that will include both "for better" and "for worse," and expect to stay committed anyway. Sarah Cunningham

It can be helpful to see our relationship to the church as being like a lifelong relationship to a spouse or even a parent, child, or sibling; to view it as a relationship that will include both “for better” and “for worse,” and expect to stay committed anyway.
Sarah Cunningham, – Beyond the Broken Church

Church Quotes (31): The church is not a religious community of worshippers of Christ but is Christ himself who has taken form among people. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The church is not a religious community of worshippers of Christ but is Christ himself who has taken form among people.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Church Quotes (32): One of the primary reasons churches are empty is because church leaders love their models more than they love people. Andy Stanley

One of the primary reasons churches are empty is because church leaders love their models more than they love people. Andy Stanley

Church Quotes (33): The church seeks to help form people who can risk being peaceful in a violent world, risk being kind in a competitive world, risk being faithful in an age of cynicism, risk being gentle among those who admire the tough, risk love when it may not be returned, because we have the confidence that in Christ we have been reborn into a new reality. John Yoder

The church seeks to help form people who can risk being peaceful in a violent world, risk being kind in a competitive world, risk being faithful in an age of cynicism, risk being gentle among those who admire the tough, risk love when it may not be returned, because we have the confidence that in Christ we have been reborn into a new reality.
John Yoder

Church Quotes (34): Servants think of ministry as an opportunity, not an obligation. They enjoy helping people, meeting needs, and doing ministry. Rick Warren

Servants think of ministry as an opportunity, not an obligation. They enjoy helping people, meeting needs, and doing ministry.
Rick WarrenWhat on Earth Am I Here For?

Church Quotes (35): A growing church will have devoted learners, and that means they are those who put it into practice. Brian Johnston

A growing church will have devoted learners, and that means they are those who put it into practice.
Brian Johnston, Healthy Churches – God’s Bible Blueprint For Growth

Church Quotes (36): Church history clearly shows that when the Word of God is not taught and commitment to doctrinal purity is not maintained, the Church enters into a dark age. K. P. Yohannan

Church history clearly shows that when the Word of God is not taught and commitment to doctrinal purity is not maintained, the Church enters into a dark age.
K. P. Yohannan, A Life of Balance

Church Quotes (37): Apparently, if every believer regularly tithed 10 percent of their income, the church could end global hunger, eliminate deaths from preventable diseases, end illiteracy, solve world water and sanitation issues, fully fund overseas missions work AND expand their ministries both at home and abroad. Brittany Ann

Apparently, if every believer regularly tithed 10 percent of their income, the church could end global hunger, eliminate deaths from preventable diseases, end illiteracy, solve world water and sanitation issues, fully fund overseas missions work AND expand their ministries both at home and abroad.
Brittany Ann, Putting God First

Church Quotes (38): To put it bluntly, we find ourselves occupying the middle ground between the Kingdom of Heaven and the world of the Church. Gary Goodell

To put it bluntly, we find ourselves occupying the middle ground between the Kingdom of Heaven and the world of the Church.
Gary Goodell, Where Would Jesus Lead?

Church Quotes (39): A reading church is an informed church; An informed church is an interested church; An interested church is an acting church; An acting church is a serving church; A serving church is a Christian church. Author Unknown

A reading church is an informed church;
An informed church is an interested church;
An interested church is an acting church;
An acting church is a serving church;
A serving church is a Christian church.

Author Unknown

Church Quotes (40): But God may be calling you to tithe and test Him in questionable economic times. You can do that. God may be calling you to help in your church in some way. You can do that. Rev. David Weyrick

But God may be calling you to tithe and test Him in questionable economic times. You can do that. God may be calling you to help in your church in some way. You can do that.
Rev. David Weyrick – Called By God:Responders of Biblical Proportion

Church Quotes (41): The church must share in the secular problems of ordinary human life, not dominating, but helping and serving. Dietrich Bonhoeffer

The church must share in the secular problems of ordinary human life, not dominating, but helping and serving.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Church Quotes (42): Look, don't judge Christianity by the imperfect examples that we have seen in history. Judge it by Jesus Christ. Chuck Smith

Look, don’t judge Christianity by the imperfect examples that we have seen in history. Judge it by Jesus Christ.
Chuck Smith

Church Quotes (43): The Church is Jesus Christ, and we are the body of the Church. Jesus is our Shepherd and we need to view Him as our role model. Brian Steenhoek

The Church is Jesus Christ, and we are the body of the Church. Jesus is our Shepherd and we need to view Him as our role model.
Brian Steenhoek

Church Quotes (44): If the church is to impress the world with the deathless hope of the everlasting Gospel, she must be animated by that hope herself. F. W. Boreham

If the church is to impress the world with the deathless hope of the everlasting Gospel, she must be animated by that hope herself.
F. W. Boreham

Church Quotes (45): The resurrection of Christ from the dead, next to the Crucifixion itself, is the most significant event in church history. It isn't a peripheral issue; it's foundational. It's bedrock. It's the bottom line. Greg Laurie

The resurrection of Christ from the dead, next to the Crucifixion itself, is the most significant event in church history. It isn’t a peripheral issue; it’s foundational. It’s bedrock. It’s the bottom line.
Greg Laurie

Church Quotes (46): Are you protecting yourself, your family, and your church from falling into temptation through active prayer to the Father? Henry and Norman Blackaby

Are you protecting yourself, your family, and your church from falling into temptation through active prayer to the Father?
Henry and Norman Blackaby, – Experiencing Prayer with Jesus: The Power of His Presence and Example

Church Quotes (47): I thank God for teaching me as a child that church is not merely an organization we join , or a place of worship we go to when it is convenient . Church is the body of Christ Dr. Stephen A. Gammon

I thank God for teaching me as a child that church is not merely an organization we join , or a place of worship we go to when it is convenient . Church is the body of Christ
Dr. Stephen A. Gammon, Walking With God

Church Quotes (48): Buildings should be tools for ministry, not monuments. Rick Warren

Buildings should be tools for ministry, not monuments.
Rick Warren

Church Quotes (49): Just as important, having a way to reach out to the local community and to bring new sheep into the Kingdom of God should be something each and every church leader should keep high on their agenda. Matthew Robert Payne

Just as important, having a way to reach out to the local community and to bring new sheep into the Kingdom of God should be something each and every church leader should keep high on their agenda.
Matthew Robert Payne, Finding Intimacy with Jesus Made Simple

Church Quotes (50): How do you see your church? Do you value the teachings you get? Do you implement them in your lives? Michael Caputo

How do you see your church? Do you value the teachings you get? Do you implement them in your lives?
Michael Caputo, How to Prevent Your Love From becoming Cold

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