Read the collection of the best quotes about childre from below.

For God’s Word and will to be fully absorbed by our children, it must happen at home daily.
Mark J Musser, The Christ-Centered Home

Teaching your children to pray can set them up for a lifetime of serving God and reaping the blessings of salvation.
Mary DeKok Blowers, Filled With the Holy Spirit

I caution you to be careful with your words because whatever you repeatedly tell a child about themselves.
Daree Allen, What’s Wrong With Me?

Our heavenly Father delights in giving His children good things – but only if you seek after Him first.
Joyce Meyers

All my children shall be taught of the Lord, and great shall be their peace and prosperity.
Patricia King

Remember, we are all God’s children, differences aside. Even if someone looks different or lives a different lifestyle than you, it doesn’t give you the right to judge.
Buffy Andrews, A Grandmother’s Legacy: 365 Notes to Live By

There are promises we are to inherit, just as the children of Israel had promises— to be taken into the Promised Land and promises to be blessed.
Angie Wagler, All My Rooms: Bringing transformation to the heart of where we live…

God knows the needs of His children.
Michael Caputo, Goodbye Fears! How to Overcome Fears With the Help of God’s Holy Scriptures and Promises

In every age there has been a way for God’s children to walk in. God has never left men to choose their own way. Clearly marked out in His word is the way of the Lord, the way He wants us to go.
Alan Toms, The Way Ahead
We don’t want to have problems in relationships, we’d prefer to have our bank accounts continually replenished with little to no effort, we’d like our children to honor us and show us utmost respect and love, we’d like our spouse to get on their knees each day in prayer for us and our family, we’d like to always have a clean bill of health and tears to never fall. But that’s not the way life happens . . . is it?
Cherie Hill, empty (Living Full of Faith When Life Drains You Dry)

Children of God are not born because of human choice or because a husband wants them to be born. They are born because of what God does.
Roger Quy, All About Jesus: The Single Story from Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John

As Christians, whenever we fail to conduct our marriages and raise our children in a Biblical way, we show our distrust for God’s Word.
Shannon Scott, Discernment & Decision Making

Just as I would never send my own children against a challenge they were unprepared to handle, neither does He. God nevers sets us up to fail— only to grow!
Bill Johnson, Strengthen Yourself in the Lord: How to Release the Hidden Power of God in Your Life

Today, in the form of Jesus, he stands with nail-scarred hands outstretched saying, “Because I AM, you can become Children of the most high God.
Terri Main, Blessed be the Name: A Study in the Names of God