Believe That

Believe That
“When you pray and ask for something believe that you have received it, and you will be given whatever you ask.” – Mark 11:24

A Thought
his quote is about faith in asking. If you do not have faith that your prayers will be answered then what good is your prayer. Faith is believing and trusting in God. Trusting in his ways to do what is right for your life. No prayer is to small and no prayer is to great for those who have faith.


A Prayer
Dear Father,
Thank you for sending your Son to die for us. Thank you for the ability to communicate with you. Let me always be grateful.

Let my faith grow stronger each day. Let me realize, appreciate, and see the good you have already done in my life.  Take my doubt away. As it is written in Matthew 21:22, “And whatever you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive.”

I pray for the following in my life – _____________ and I believe you will hear my prayer and answer according to your will.

In Jesus name we pray.

READ:  Top 80 Christian Quotes about Faith

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